As a drive up camping enthusiast, I have much preferred sleeping in the great outdoors when i’m a few steps away from a bathroom with running water. Backyard campouts were always my favorite, and I was obsessed with the idea of owning an RV. Imagine my delight when I came across the insanely cool idea […]
Wireless Dog Fence Reviews 2025
Do you have a playful pup who likes to escape from the yard? If so, you’ve probably wondered what the best wireless dog fence for you is. Budget can be a huge factor because both privacy fences and professional invisible pet fences can cost thousands. Fortunately the wireless dog fence options we’re presenting today are […]
Hatchimals Review
The hottest toy of the holiday season is once again the Hatchimals egg from Spin Master. This unique item is reminiscent of a real life Tamagotchi, mixed with a Furby. While they are fairly new, they are expected to fly off shelves in the coming months! We are curious to see if the new Hatchimals lives […]
The Best 5k Monitor? Dell UP2715K Review
While the world is busy looking at smartphone screens, the 4k revolution is undergoing in the world of desktop displays and televisions. Usually having a 4k panel means compromising with some other features. Especially the price. But, for those who are undeterred by high price points in order to have the newest, bestest technology, Dell […]
Amazon Tap Review
The Amazon Tap is upon us! But.. what is it? Amazon has just announced their newest device. It’s called the Amazon Tap, and it joins the “Echo family” that was brought on the market with the original Amazon Echo. The Amazon Tap is a Bluetooth speaker that does a lot more than your run-of-the-mill Beats Pill. It features […]